Lusito:Basic words in Swati (síNgísi)
- Hello - Sawubona.
- How are you? - Unjani?
- I am fine. - Ngikhona/Ngiyaphila (directly translates to "I am here/I am well"
- I am fine, thank you. - Ngikhona, ngiyabonga
- Stay well - Sala kahle
- Travel Safely (As a goodbye) - Hamba Kahle
- Good evening - Lishonile
- Good luck - ngikufisela inhlanhla
- Have a safe journey. - Ube (singular) / Nibe (plural) neluhambo loluphephile/uhambe kahle(sing.)/nihambe kahle(plur.)
Expressions - Tinchazelo
- yes - yebo
- no - cha
- please - ngiyacela
- thank you - ngiyabonga
- you're welcome - wamukelekile *[Clarification: this is not used in response to "thank you" as in the American-English tradition, but is used as a hospitable greeting or response; e.g. "You are welcome here."]
- help - sita (singular) / sitani (plural)/lusito(noun)
- danger - ingoti
- emergency - simo lesibucayi/lesisheshako
- excuse me - lucolo
- come here - wota lapha
- I am sorry. - Ngiyacolisa
- I love you. - Ngiyakutsandza
- happy birthday - lusuku lwekutalwa loluhle
- merry christmas - khisimusi lomuhle
- good luck - ngikufisela inhlanhla.
Questions / sentences
- Do you accept (credit cards/traveler's cheques)? - Uyawavuma (emakhadi etikweledi/emasheke etivakashi)?
- How much is this? - Kubita malini loku?
- I want ... - Ngifuna...
- What? - utsini?
- What are you doing? - Wentani?
- What is the time? - Ngicela sikhatsi?or sikhatsini?
- Where are you going? - Uya kuphi?
- Where is ...? - Ukuphi ...? (In terms of name)
Where is ...? - Ikuph ...? (Item/place)
- I don't know - Angati
- I come from ... - Ngibuya e(place) ...
Numbers | Tinombolo
- 1. - one - kunye
- 2. - two - kubili
- 3. - three - kutsatfu
- 4. - four - kune
- 5. - five - kusihlanu
- 6. - six - kusitfupha
- 7. - seven - kusikhombisa
- 8. - eight - kusiphohlongo
- 9. - nine - kuyimfica
- 10. - ten - kulishumi
- 11. - eleven - lishumi nakunye
- 12. - twelve - lishumi nakubili
- 13. - thirteen - lishumi nakutsatfu
- 14. - fourteen - lishumi nakune
- 15. - fifteen - lishumi nesihlanu
- 20. - twenty - emashumi lamabili
- 21. - twenty one - emashumi lamabili nakunye
- 22. - twenty two - emashumi lamabili nakubili
- 50. - fifty - emashumi lasihlanu
- 100. - hundred - likhulu
- 1000. - thousand - inkhulungwane
- 100000. - hundred thousand - likhulu letinkhulungwane
- 1000000. - million - sigidzi
Computers and Internet terms
(The following words are Loanwords|Mabitomfutiselo)
- computer - ngcondvomshini
- e-mail - i-imeyili/liposi lembane
- Internet - i-inthanethi
- Internet café - likhefi le-inthanethi
- website - i-webhusayithi
Colours | Imibala
- black - mnyama
- blue - luhlata lwesibhakabhaka
- red - bovu
- brown - bubendze
- green - uluhlata (satjani)
- grey - mphunga
- gold - golide
- yellow - mtfubi
- white - mhlophe
- purple - bukhwebeletane
Days and months| Malanga netinyanga
- today - namuhla
- yesterday - itolo
- tomorrow - kusasa
- next week - liviki lelitako
- last week - liviki leliphelile
- next month - inyanga letako
- last month - inyanga lephelile
- Monday - Umsombuluko
- Tuesday - Lesibili
- Wednesday - Lesitsatfu
- Thursday - Lesine
- Friday - Lesihlanu
- Saturday - Umgcibelo
- Sunday - Lisontfo
- January - Bhimbidvwane
- February - Indlovana
- March - Indlovulenkhulu
- April - Mabasa
- May - Inkhwekhweti
- June - Inhlaba
- July - Kholwane
- August - Ingci
- September - Inyoni
- October - Imphala
- November - Lweti
- December - Ingongoni
Body parts | Titfo temtimba
- eyes - emehlo
- face - buso
- nose - imphumulo/likhala
- teeth - ematinyo
- elbow - ingcosa
- hand - sandla
- fingers - tingalo
- penis - ligwayi/umpipi
- leg - umlente
- knee - lidvolo
- vagina - sibumbu
- brain - ingcondvo
- head - inhloko
- mouth - umlomo
- anus - indunu/umdzidzi